Sunday, November 6, 2016


It's funny how sometimes we let life get away from us... Time passes... We get preoccupied... Sometimes with good and other times with the not so good...
I find myself today, after goods and bads, remembering when, how and why it all started... This thing we call 'blogging'. That lost time of my life when I left life as I knew it behind and entered into my lost world... The world of being disabled... I didn't know what to do with myself. It felt as if time had suddenly stopped for me and I didn't know how to get beyond the depression and lack of feeling like I had a purpose or was needed...! Blogging changed that and inspired me.
Now, as I return to blogging, I have so much more to share than before. So much growth and knowledge. I've expanded my reach, particularly for reviews and giveaways.
I'll continue with earlier activities and add my biggest change... I am now the very PROUD MAWMAW to 17 month old, identical twin GRANDSONS! You'll see a lot of them! I will also continue my posts of charities, reviews, giveaways and more, just as I did before...
The sky is the limit!
I love comments and feedback so feel free to share with me.
Thank you for joining me... and WELCOME BACK to YUMMY! YUMMY! YUMMY!