Thursday, April 9, 2009

My booth at the Taste of Home Cooking School.

I want to take the time to thank everyone for "CHEERING ME ON" while I embarked on my first booth with my candle business during the Taste of Home Cooking School.

I am happy report that the show went well and I have finally got a "kick start" for my business.

I was pleased to find that my candles were loved by all. I love that confirmation and the look on people's faces that first time they smell these wonderful candles. In our business, we playfully call it the "Smell and Sell".

Please, take the time to visit my business site and sign up for the free weekly drawing. Each Monday we choose a winner of a 16 oz. jar candle and a Bella Bar (soap).

I would also love to send you a scent sample so you can see what I'm talking about.


AiringMyLaundry said...

That is awesome that it went so well :)

Lagean Ellis said...

Thank you! I was glad! If the doctors can't get me straight, this may be my only means of keeping my sanity and an income.

Lagean Ellis said...

Thanks, Modern Mom! I had so much that I wanted people to see and was trying to keep it from looking all cluttered!