Hey, don't panic! Mom Select and Lands' End are here to help with the "Lands' End Ultimate Back-to-School Twitter Party"!

Summer is almost over and Moms everywhere know what that means - Back-to-School! If the thought of back-to-school shopping makes you feel overwhelmed, not to worry; one of our favorite brands is offering up their expertise and a chance to win major must-haves!
Join Lands' End for the Ultimate Back-to-School Twitter Party!

Lands' End hosts will be available to answer back-to-school shopping questions and the party will feature more than 20 product giveaways from co-hosts, 5minutesformom.com.
Date: Thursday, August 20th
Time: 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. CST
Location: #landsend
Save the date and log-on to Twitter for an evening of shopping tips, socializing and great giveaways!
Pre-Party Posts to Win a Back-to-School Wardrobe!
Want to enter for a chance to win a back-to-school wardrobe ($250 Lands' End gift card)?

Here's how in three easy steps:
1. Create a Fantasy Backpack at Packland - Simply visit Lands' End's Packland at www.landsend.com/packland, create a fantasy backpack and post it to your blog before August 20, 2009.
2. Promote the Lands' End Back-to-School Twitter Party - Don't forget to promote the Back-to-School Party on your blog before August 20, 2009.
3. Send a Link - To be entered for a chance to win, you must send a link to your post to kira.gutknecht@landsend.com
One winner will be chosen randomly and contacted by Lands' End on August 21, 2009!
So, have fun and I'll "see" you at the party!

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